Requesting forbearance on your student loan is a very simple process. Just follow the steps below:
From the member’s homepage, click on "Create Forbearance Request."*
Verify that all of the pre-populated information on your request form is correct.
If you served more than one term of service, select the dates of service for which you are requesting forbearance.
Search for and select your Financial Institution.
Once you click the "submit" button, your forbearance request will be sent to your Financial Institution for them to process.
* Please note that it may take up to two weeks after a member has started service for the "Create Forbearance Request" link to appear. If a member needs to have a forbearance request processed and the option is not yet appearing, please place a request using the "Contact My AmeriCorps" link at the top of the My AmeriCorps screen.
For additional information on loan forbearance, please visit
See also:
How do I search for my Institution?
What if I cannot find my Institution?
Is my loan a "Qualified Loan"?