Forbearance is temporarily postponing your obligation to make payments on your student loan. As an AmeriCorps member you may be eligible for forbearance on your qualified student loans during your term of service. Forbearance is granted by the Financial Institution, not by CNCS. During a period of forbearance, although you do not have to make payments, interest continues to accumulate on your loans. CNCS will only pay this interest if the loans were placed in forbearance and you earned a Segal AmeriCorps Education Award. CNCS pays this interest accrual benefit in addition to your Education Award. There is not a forbearance option if you chose the stipend as your end of service option.
See also:
How to Request Forbearance on your Qualified Loans
What is the difference between ”forbearance” and ”deferment”?
What if I have qualified loans with more than one Financial Institution?
Is my loan a "Qualified Loan"?
Why has the status of my forbearance request not changed to reflect that it was accepted?
I received a bill for my student loan. I thought it was supposed to be in forbearance?