How to request your Segal AmeriCorps Education Award Payment

To request your Segal AmeriCorps Education Award payment:

  1. Verify that all of the pre-populated information on your request form is correct;

  2. Fill in the amount you authorize the National Service Trust to pay the Institution out of your available award balance;

  3. Choose whether your payment will be used to pay a loan or to pay for current education expenses;

If you chose to pay for current education expenses, enter the semester or term for which you are authorizing payment;

  1. Search for and select your Institution;

  2. Check the terms of agreement boxes if you agree with the following statements:

a. You have not been convicted, since the completion of your AmeriCorps service, of the possession or sale of a controlled substance  

b. You have received a high school diploma or its equivalent (such as a GED)

c. You understand that a knowing and willing false statement on this form can be punished by a fine or imprisonment or both under Section 1001 of Title18, USC; 

  1. Click the "Submit” button. Your payment request will be sent to your Institution, which will complete the request and forward it to the Trust for payment.

See also:

Segal AmeriCorps Education Award Overview

What if I find an error in my pre-populated information?

How do I search for my Institution?

What if I cannot find my Institution?

What can the education award used to pay for?

How do I know if my school is a "Qualified Institution"?

Besides tuition, what else is considered a qualified "current Education Expense"?

How long do I have to use my Segal AmeriCorps Education Award?

Will the money from my AmeriCorps Education Award be paid directly to me?