You must create a Username. Usernames must contain 6-15 characters. Usernames are NOT case sensitive. Your username must contain only letters (A-Z), numbers (0-9), underscores (_), hyphens (-) and periods (.).
By leaving the "Allow Profile to be Searchable" box checked, you are granting the program sponsors access to view your profile. This can help expedite the placement process if program sponsors are actively looking for applicants.
By leaving the "Receive E-mail Notifications" box checked, you allow the AmeriCorps program to send updates regarding new projects posted that match your skill set or about changes made to your account or the online system in general.
See Also:
Why is creating a profile important?
How do I complete Step 1: Basic Information?
How do I complete Step 2: Background Information?
How do I complete Step 3: Residence Information?
How do I complete Step 4: Skills Information?
How do I update my name, date of birth, or Social Security number?