Home > NCCC Questions > NCCC Clearance Process > Understanding your Medical Clearance Status
There are six possible statuses of your Medical Clearance, defined as follows:
Cleared: You have passed the medical clearance process and do not need to take any further action.
Deferred: You have been medically deferred and will be contacted by the program with additional information.
Disqualified: You have been disqualified due to medical reasons. You will be contacted by the program with additional information.
In Review: There is something in your medical/mental health history that requires follow-up. An AmeriCorps NCCC representative will be contacting you.
Incomplete and Returned: Your medical records were returned to you for further clarification. Please return your complete medical records to NCCC as soon as possible.
Pending: Your medical clearance information has been received and is currently being reviewed.
If you have a question about the status of your Medical Clearance, you should contact the My AmeriCorps hotline at 1-800-942-2677 or send an e-mail to ANCCC@cns.gov.
See also:
How can I monitor my Clearance Status?
How do I know once I have been cleared for service?
What happens if I fail to pass the medical clearance process?
Who should I contact if I have a question about my Clearance status?