Home > AmeriCorps Application Process > Application Process Overview > How many applications can I submit?


How many applications can I submit?

Each applicant may complete up to two versions of the application.  The allowance of two different applications gives you the ability to showcase different sets of skills and experiences.  This provides you with the flexibility to tailor your applications, particularly in regards to the motivational statement, to the many different AmeriCorps programs to which you want to apply.


You can submit each version (two in total) for up to 10 service opportunities  This allows an applicant to have up to 20 active applications submitted at one time (Application Version 1 submitted to Projects 1-10 and Application Version 2 to Projects 11-20).


When applying to NCCC you also have the option of submitting one team leader application.  You also have the choice of submitting one regular application and one team leader application.  You may only have two applications in total.


See also:

How do I complete an application?

How do I complete the employment history?

How do I complete the skills and experience information?

How do I complete the community service information?

How do I complete the education information?

How do I complete the motivational statement?

How do I complete criminal history?

How do I complete the demographic information?

How do I complete the reference information?

How do I complete the certification page?

How do I complete the Team Leader Application? (NCCC Only)

What happens once an application is submitted?