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Facilities Support Specialist
The mission of Heart Ministry Center is to provide food, healthcare and a way forward to people severely affected by poverty in the Omaha area. Within the Center's neighborhood, there is disproportionately high rates of crime, substance abuse, gang involvement, domestic abuse, food insecurity, homelessness and low academic achievement - all poverty-related challenges. The Center offers resources to specifically address poverty in the surrounding community including a "choice" Food Distribution program, Monen Healthcare Clinic (which provides medical dental, vision and mental health services. All programs and services are provided for free or at a reduced cost to those who cannot afford them. Through the services offered, The Center assists in lifting up individuals in our service areas and helping clients out of poverty and move forward on a path to long-term success. The Food Distribution food pantry program served more than 135,000 clients in 2024, assisting them to maintain their dignity while meeting their immediate food needs. The Monen Healthcare Clinic served more than 5,500 clients ensuring access to crucial health care services, More than 750 clients were provided case management support as they developed skills and goals to move toward long-term self-sufficiency. The AmeriCorps VISTA member will assist the Center in providing crucial capacity building, streamlining services and providing support by serving in the areas of research, Information Technology and program development. The VISTA member will be assigned projects that will encourage professional development and growth, align with a service career while increasing program deliverables to the Center's clients.
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Member Duties : The VISTA member will be researching and accessing methods to streamline repetitive models and reducing duplication through analytical support and assessment. This will provide the VISTA member an opportunity to gain hands-on experience and engage in serving the growing need for services within the neighborhood and community. VISTA member will interact with community members and leaders daily to gather information through data collection , which will provide key support for the Center's leadership team and strategic planning process. This data will also assist in streamlining programs and enhance program deliverables to those clients being served. The VISTA member will conduct research, review data, and make recommendations to team leaders for potential program changes and /or merging to strengthen and interconnect divisions, staff, volunteers, and clients of the Center
Program Benefits : Childcare assistance if eligible ,  Training ,  Health Coverage* ,  Choice of Education Award or End of Service Stipend ,  Relocation Allowance ,  parking,nonprofit leadership training ,  Living Allowance ,  Education award upon successful completion of service . 
*For details about AmeriCorps VISTA healthcare benefits, please visit
Terms :
Permits attendance at school during off hours ,  Permits working at another job during off hours . 
Service Areas :
Education ,  Neighborhood Revitalization ,  Technology ,  Veterans ,  Homelessness ,  Public Safety ,  Community and Economic Development ,  Health ,  Entrepreneur/Business ,  Hunger ,  Community Outreach ,  Public Health AmeriCorps ,  Ex-Offender Reentry ,  Elder Care . 
Skills :
Communications ,  Empathy,Compassion ,  First Aid ,  Public Speaking ,  Business/Entrepreneur ,  Conflict Resolution ,  Non-Profit Management ,  Veterans ,  Social Services ,  Public Health ,  Community Organization ,  Fund raising/Grant Writing ,  Computers/Technology ,  Team Work ,  Leadership ,  Writing/Editing ,  General Skills . 
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Program Type:
AmeriCorps VISTA

Facilities Support Specialist

Program Start/End Date
02/26/2025  -   03/11/2026

Work Schedule Full Time

Education level
High school diploma/GED

Age Requirement
Minimum:  18    Maximum:  None

Program Locations NEBRASKA  


Accepting Applications
From  02/26/2025  To  05/10/2025 

Contact Tim McTaggart
2222 Binney St
Omaha   NE   68110

Listing ID 125818


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