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Buckeye State Nursery Crew Leader
General Service Schedule: M-F 8:30am-5pm Duties Include: * Lead a crew of 3-4 members in the completion of assigned duties * Prepare daily service plans in conjunction with the Buckeye state tree nursery manager. * Monitor progress and prepare reports for the Ohio OutdoorCorps Program Director • Perform manual and skilled labor in the advancement of nursery projects. Including Native seed collection and preparation; cleaning, drying, heating, float testing and cold stratification of seeds; labeling and record keeping for collection and storage of seeds; germination and potting of seeds; and care of planted seeds. • Assist with community outreach, site tours, and educational activities relating to the Buckeye State Tree Nursery Minimum Qualifications: • Must be a U.S. Citizen • High School Diploma or equivalent • At least 18 years of age • Ability to pass criminal background check. • Positive and professional written and oral communication skills • Experience with and a passion for working outdoors in nature. • Willingness and ability to lead team to complete projects. • Ability to do physically strenuous field work in rugged terrain, including the ability to lift and carry loads up to 50 pounds and hike up to 5 miles in most weather conditions. • Must have a reliable personal vehicle for transportation of self, tools, and supplies to field sites. Preferred Qualifications (not required): • Previous experience with or courses in botany, arboriculture or related fields.
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Please note:
This listing is currently not accepting applications.

Member Duties : Lead a crew of 3-4 dedicated AmeriCorps member under the guidance of the Buckeye State Tree Nursery Manager to assist with all tasks related to the propagation and care of native plants at the nursery. members will also assist with community outreach and education related to the nursery.
Program Benefits : Health Coverage ,  Childcare assistance if eligible ,  Education award upon successful completion of service ,  Training ,  Living Allowance . 
Terms :
Permits working at another job during off hours ,  Car recommended ,  Permits attendance at school during off hours . 
Service Areas :
Environment . 
Skills :
Environment ,  Trade/Construction ,  Team Work ,  Community Organization ,  General Skills ,  Conflict Resolution ,  Garedening/Botany ,  Leadership . 
Refine Search
Program Type:
AmeriCorps State / National

Buckeye State Nursery Crew Leader

Program Start/End Date
08/08/2024  -   08/01/2025

Work Schedule Full Time

Education level
High school diploma/GED

Age Requirement
Minimum:  18    Maximum:  99

Program Locations OHIO  

Accepting Applications
From  04/18/2024  To  07/31/2024 

Contact Philip Hutchison
2045 Morse Rd
Columbus   OH   43229

Listing ID 122489


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