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Video Content and Social Media Development VISTA
Alaska Seeds of Change (hereafter Seeds) serves youth ages 14-24 by engaging them in hands-on work and learning in our various vocational spaces: a hydroponic farm that we run year-round, a seasonal garden in downtown Anchorage, and a seasonal commercial kitchen space where we make fermented foods. While youth are engaged in the 3-6 month vocational program, they also have access to mental healthcare services provided by our on-site team of clinicians, clinical associates, and peer support specialists, both in one-on-one and group settings. Further, we are co-located with a youth drop-in center - the Power Center - where youth have access to free food (including take-home food), professional clothing, seasonal clothing (it gets cold up here!), access to laundry and showers, a safe place just to hang out, and help connecting with resources or getting important things done (like setting appointments and getting referrals to a range of services). Put together, these components form a one-stop-shop for youth to access support and resources in a timely fashion to help lift folks out of poverty and/or prevent them from losing stable housing, dropping out of high-school, or otherwise becoming disconnected from engagement in work or school. This year, Seeds is looking for help to tell our story to the Anchorage community by developing our social media presence and creating video content - we need your help! We’ve been around for six years and we are still something of a hidden gem in our community, and we want to change that. We have run public events, fundraisers, and gotten huge community support, but we need a better strategy and delivery to reach the youth and parents who would benefit most from connecting with our program. Here are the two things we have in mind.
Further help on this page can be found by clicking here.

Please note:
This listing is currently not accepting applications.

Member Duties : Video content: Teach us: our team has some basic equipment to be doing our own videography. We would like help setting up a personalized-to-us basics of videography series. Update old stuff: some content, like our volunteer orientation video, needs to be updated. Videos of what we do now: Our program has changed a lot in recent years - we need help telling that story. Also, we have a lot of fun ideas for more original content! Social media development: Increasing engagement: Our posts currently get 15-25 likes, and our following hasn’t really grown in the last couple of years. We have the donor and volunteer infrastructure to support more real community engagement - we just need the people! Improving our process: Over the years we’ve changed software and consolidated social media channels to make things easier, but only a few team members end up making posts. This will involve the integration of social media as a part of our program, and creating trainings for staff.
Program Benefits : $200 a month payment towards housing ,  Training ,  Health Coverage* ,  Childcare assistance if eligible ,  Choice of Education Award or End of Service Stipend ,  Living Allowance ,  Stipend ,  Education award upon successful completion of service ,  Relocation Allowance . 
*For details about AmeriCorps VISTA healthcare benefits, please visit
Terms :
Permits attendance at school during off hours ,  Permits working at another job during off hours . 
Service Areas :
Hunger ,  Environment ,  Community Outreach ,  Children/Youth . 
Skills :
Computers/Technology ,  Business/Entrepreneur ,  Youth Development ,  Communications ,  Community Organization ,  Environment . 
Refine Search
Program Type:
AmeriCorps VISTA

Video Content and Social Media Development VISTA

Program Start/End Date
01/16/2024  -   01/15/2025

Work Schedule Full Time

Education level
College graduate

Age Requirement
Minimum:  18    Maximum:  None

Program Locations ALASKA  

Accepting Applications
From  10/04/2023  To  12/15/2023 

Contact Denise Lavoie
731 E 8th Ave
Anchorage   AK   99501

Listing ID 118826


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