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City of Austin Youth Leadership Development Program VISTA
The City of Austin AmeriCorps VISTA Program works with City departments and local nonprofits to build capacity, in order to provide resources and services to the Austin neighborhoods and communities that may otherwise be left behind by Austin’s historic disparities and future growth. The AmeriCorps members serving with the City of Austin AmeriCorps VISTA Program work in such diverse fields as education, health, waste reduction, and housing to cover the myriad ways poverty affects these neighborhoods and communities.
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Please note:
This listing is currently not accepting applications.

Member Duties : Understand the concepts of youth leadership and identify the specific needs the Youth Leadership Development Program (YLD) will address in the 78744 community. Research the 78744 community to understand the strengths and needs of the community as it relates to youth leadership. Research successful Youth Leadership Development programs/theories. Research and secure supplemental funding opportunities for Youth Leadership Development projects. Specifically look for a mini-grant to allow YLD to create a community garden. Create a curriculum framework based on research and interpretation of the Community Youth Development (CYD) grant request-for-application. Create an implementation plan that includes length of program, number of youths served, potential locations where the program can be held, and other important information. Compile a complete guide for each session of the program.
Program Benefits : Health Coverage* ,  Training ,  Living Allowance ,  Childcare assistance if eligible ,  Relocation Allowance ,  Choice of Education Award or End of Service Stipend . 
*For details about AmeriCorps VISTA healthcare benefits, please visit
Terms :
Permits working at another job during off hours ,  Car recommended ,  Permits attendance at school during off hours . 
Service Areas :
Community and Economic Development ,  Children/Youth ,  Community Outreach ,  Education . 
Skills :
General Skills ,  Recruitment ,  Leadership ,  Fund raising/Grant Writing ,  Public Speaking ,  Education ,  Youth Development ,  Team Work ,  Writing/Editing ,  Communications . 
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Program Type:
AmeriCorps VISTA

City of Austin Youth Leadership Development Program VISTA

Program Start/End Date
11/04/2024  -   11/03/2025

Work Schedule Full Time

Education level
College graduate

Age Requirement
Minimum:  18    Maximum:  None

Program Locations TEXAS  

Accepting Applications
From  08/12/2024  To  10/01/2024 

Contact Chad Walters
6800 Burleson Rd
Austin   TX   78744

Listing ID 116414


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