American Heart Association HeartCorps
06/12/2024 - 06/30/2025
Multiple States
HeartCorps is committed to addressing health inequities and improving blood pressure control and cardiovascular health in rural communities throughout the US.
AmeriCorps Legal Access Navigators
11/22/2024 - 01/13/2025
Are You Ready to Lead, Serve, and Transform Lives? Elevate your leadership, explore legal career options, and make a difference as an AC Legal Navigator in Maine’s civil legal system.
Conservation Legacy - Individual Placement
01/01/2024 - 01/01/2025
Multiple States
Conservation Legacy Individual Placement programs engage participants on diverse conservation projects that provide opportunities to meet high priority needs of public lands and community partners.
Ending Hunger Corps Collaboration & Resource VISTA
06/17/2024 - 06/29/2025
Want to be a part of ending hunger in Maine? Join us as we build the capacity of programs around Maine and be a part of Everyone at the Table: Maine's Roadmap to End Hunger by 2030!
Ending Hunger Corps Maine Meat & Food Justice VISTA 2024
04/09/2024 - 10/15/2025
Join Ending Hunger Corps and the Cumberland County Food Security Council and help increasing access to nutritious, culturally appropriate local foods
for immigrant and refugee communities in Maine.
Ending Hunger Corps VISTA Community Orchard Steward
06/29/2024 - 06/28/2025
Are you interested in developing school and community orchards in Lewiston-Auburn increasing food production, distribution of locally grown produce and learning for the community? Join ReTreeUS!
Ending Hunger Corps – Food Access VISTA
08/01/2024 - 08/28/2025
Help Portland Housing Authority bring consistency and equity to food access within Portland’s subsidized housing communities.